Today’s New Moon in Wollongong NSW will be at 10:37 pm. According to Elizabeth Peru ( ) this moon is powerful.
“Already, altered states, dimensional shifts and increased psychic visions are here. I have a feeling that combined with the added-power of Venus diving into the underworld and The Power Day of 6:6, that thousands in our community of light are being called ot their next level. Are you?
3 Reasons to embrace the new moon:
- Reclaim your psychic skills;
- Welcome trust in the unknown;
- The ascension path accelerates.”
I personally felt the powerful energy round midnight clearly happening for me. I got guidance about offering a new service and creating a new workshop too. I’ll post details soon. Watch this space!
This morning I felt so positive, in the flow, happy, and shining my light brightly. I hope you’ve had the same experience where you are in alignment with the beautiful new moon energy and receive clear guidance what to do in your life.
I advise you to set your intentions with this new moon for what you’d like to feel like and experience in your life the coming 4 weeks till the next new moon. Use positive affirmations that support these goals. Write it all down and ask your guides, angels and Source of All-That-Is to help you achieve your goals.
Do not hesitate any longer. Take the action, don’t allow your ego to make you scared, but do it anyway! You have that power and abundance is there for you this year (2024 is an 8 year in numerology which stands for abundance).
Happy new moon!