Reiki Courses

When I was 21 years old, I visited a spiritual expo and had a palm reading where I got to hear I am a healer. I had to laugh about that and thought: “Yeah, whatever.” But in 2006 I learned how to give healings with a module called Universal White Time Healing. My hands were glowing when I gave healings or when I was in a room where people needed healing; my channel for healing energy just popped open then and provided what was needed. I have used healing so often to heal my daughter when she was a little baby having bowel issues or crying in the nights. Healing was truly a gift in my life and I couldn’t live without it anymore.

After having given energy healings since 2006, having seen remarkable results of healing with clients, and also teaching energy healing to clients, I’ve received more and more requests to teach Reiki healing, because Reiki is familiar here in Australia. I have picked this up as a sign and have studied Reiki, have received my attunements, and I am a Reiki Master now, ready to teach Reiki with the official attunements. The healing module I had started with in 2006 has lots of similarities with Reiki, so teaching Reiki comes with years of practical healing experience. Also healing is definitely my purpose here on Earth, and I feel very passionate about teaching Reiki to whoever wants to learn this to have in their lives too. Reiki helps to empower yourself, and is a priceless tool for the rest of your life.

What is Reiki?

It’s a life force energy that comes from The Source or The Universe, what I personally believe is an infinite source of pure love and light energy. This life force energy can be passed on through a healer’s hands to everything that is alive (people, animals, and plants) to help it heal itself. A healer’s role is simply to channel the energy, which the receiver can use in any way that is best for his/her needs.

There are 3 levels in Reiki and for every level you’ll receive attunements. Each degree’s attunements increase the positive power of the healer’s ability to channel life force energy. The attunement does not give the receiver anything new; it opens and aligns what was already a part of her/him. After the first degree the receiver will notice that whenever he/she puts his/her hands on someone else, a heat will radiate through his/her hands to bring the life force energy through to the other person.

Reiki heals the whole person, so not only a physical ailment but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual causes and other related issues. It’s a great tool for relieving pain, healing trauma and stress by also providing emotional calming and comfort, and for relaxation. For the person or pet that is healthy, Reiki relaxes and rejuvenates. The Reiki healing balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain and balances all the chakras and the energy field. It clears and increases the animal or human body’s flow of life force.

Reiki healing is totally positive, safe, with respect for the client and client’s healing process without judgment. It can be used alone or in conjunction with medical (or veterinary) treatment. Reiki energy heals whatever needs healing, what happens in a session cannot be predicted. It is literally out of the healer’s hands, though the healer’s hands are doing the Reiki. As a healer you can only promise that Reiki benefits everyone that experiences it. The healer cannot promise that a Reiki session will cure a particular dis-ease, or promise any other specific result, but frequently miracles happen too.

How can you become a Reiki healer?

Reiki 1

In one day you’ll learn how to give a Reiki energy healing.
You’ll receive a Reiki 1 attunement that heals physical level dis-eases in the person who receives it. Your physical health often changes for the better in the months following the initiation. Reiki 1 healing sessions are primarily for self-healing. The Reiki 1 healer can also do healing for someone else who is physically present. After receiving Reiki 1, it is best to do as many healing sessions as possible for at least 21 days, including a daily self-healing.

Scheduled course: Thursday 20th February 2025 (If you’d like an earlier date, please contact me and we can schedule an extra course.)

Time: 9 am – 5 pm

There’ll be a lunch break of 1 hour where you can go outside to eat or purchase your lunch.

Location: U3/31 McKenzie Ave, Wollongong, NSW, 2500

Filtered water, herbal tea, and some fruit will be provided during the course.

Group size: maximum 4 people

Handout: syllabus with all course information

Certificate: for every participant at the end of the course

Price: $ 200 per person

You can enroll through the payment link, or contact me through the contact form below with your questions or request for more information.

Reiki 2

After your Reiki 1 attunement, this Reiki 2 attunement measurably increases the amount of healing energy, and the attunement focuses upon emotional, mental and karmic healing in the person who receives it. With Reiki 2 you’ll learn how to do healing with someone not physically present; a distance healing.
Three of the Reiki symbols are introduced and used consciously for the first time. You’ll also learn different ways of using the Reiki symbols (clearing, manifesting, blessing, charging, etc.).
You’ll learn the Hui Yin exercise to activate and replenish life force energy, and necessary to pass on attunements when you are planning to do the Reiki 3 degree.

Scheduled course: Thursday 10th April 2025 (If you’d like an earlier date, please contact me and we can schedule an extra course.)

Time: 9 am – 5 pm. There’ll be a lunch break of 1 hour where you can go outside to eat or purchase your lunch. Filtered water, herbal tea, and some fruit will be provided during the course.

Location: U3/31 McKenzie Ave, Wollongong, NSW

Group size: maximum 4 people

Handout: syllabus with all course information

Certificate: for every participant at the end of the course

Price: $ 250 per person

You can enroll through the payment link, or contact me through the contact form below with your questions or request for more information.

Reiki 3 Master/Teacher’s degree

After having received a Reiki 1 and 2 attunement, the Reiki 3 attunement involves spiritual level energy and achieves spiritual healing in the person receiving it. This energy is pure joy, oneness with all life, and connection with The Source. There’s a further increase in the healer’s ability to channel healing energy, and the healing ability reaches a higher level.
Reiki 3 includes two more symbol keys, and the method of passing attunements.
This degree is only recommended for the serious healer, and especially for those who wish to teach Reiki and make Reiki a major part of their lives.

If you’re interested to do this course, please contact me through the contact form below.

Location: TBD in Wollongong, NSW

Group size: maximum 4 people

Handout: syllabus with all course information

Certificate: for every participant at the end of the course

Contact Form Reiki courses



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