Themes of the last month

The themes of the last months are definitely around speaking up for yourself, having clear boundaries, and ancestral clearing and healing. These are the themes for everyone, spiritually aware or not. They are the themes for the collective consciousness, and we are all a part of that. Every family has at least one person consciously… Continue reading Themes of the last month

Developing your connection

I’ve received several requests the last few weeks about teaching to develop your connection and psychic skills 1:1. The past three years humanity has been given an opportunity to transform from looking for answers and guidance outside yourself to reconnecting with Source and having the answers inside. It is a very empowering process and we… Continue reading Developing your connection

A huge challenge in my life

In February I’ve moved house to West Wollongong. I was excited about the new place with finally a large practice room for my work with clients. It’s an old house, it was in a bad state and needed a lot of renovation work done. Enthusiastically the owner and I started with clearing rubbish, cleaning, and… Continue reading A huge challenge in my life

Channelled message to help you prepare

During a channelled message Friday through my colleague and best friend Elida Stevans, Archangel Michael explained that the mind has its place, the body has its needs, the soul has its contracts and emotions need guidance. Humans are not trained to regulate their 4 bodies. In the new earth vibration every individual will desire to… Continue reading Channelled message to help you prepare

Make a decision by using the Chair Method

If you have a choice to make but are not sure what the best option is, here’s a method that can help to give clarity: the chair method. This is how it goes. Place chairs before you for the options in choices you have (2 or more). Decide which chair represents which choice. Feel which… Continue reading Make a decision by using the Chair Method

Be prepared for three weeks Mercury Retrograde starting tomorrow!

Monday 27th September starts three weeks of Mercury Retrograde, a time where it looks like the planet Mercury goes backwards around the earth. It’s not really going backwards, it’s slowed-down speed is connected with a variety of things in life becoming a bit muddled in areas of life Mercury rules: communication, travel and technology. This… Continue reading Be prepared for three weeks Mercury Retrograde starting tomorrow!

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