Her Healthy Glow

The book ‘Her Healthy Glow’, Embrace wellness and radiate confidence from the inside out, is now available as a paperback version and eBook! I am one of the co-authors and have written a chapter named ‘How to personally grow to glow.’

My chapter contains valuable information about:

  • relationships are opportunities for personal growth;
  • what do you do with emotions in relationships;
  • the self-help tools that work best for me;
  • getting my spark back by creativity that brings joy.

Of course my chapter contains information from my own life and experiences too.

Here’s what the book is about:
Discover the transformative power of holistic wellness that helps you radiate confidence from within. This guide offers practical strategies, inspiring stories, and expert advice to help you achieve a balanced lifestyle.

Learn how to nourish your body, mind and spirit, fostering a glow that reflects your inner strength and vitality. Embrace the journey to a healthier, more vibrant you, and let your true radiance shine through.


“The author, Astrid Boot of the chapter; “Her healthy Glow,” provides a heartfelt look into her own life experiences when it comes to studying the effects that emotions can have on one’s health, body and well-being. Recognising where detrimental emotions come from is one of the first steps of a healing process. When these emotions reach lower, debilitating or traumatic levels, she explains how certain uplifting practices can help to overcome these obstacles and restore oneself to come out happier, healthier and positively stronger at the other end, to live life joyfully again.”
Christel Keijzer

“A beautifully written chapter to help people return to their authentic essence which allows them to shine and radiate.”
Esther ❤️

How you can order the book

You can order the eBook for US$ 0.99 on:

You can order the paperback version of Her Healthy Glow here:

For Australia for the price of AU$ 43.08

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For the USA for the price of US$ 24.97:

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The paperback version will be available a few days after 17th December 2024 in the USA in some stores like Barnes & Noble, Walmart, etc.

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