Looking back what 2022 brought

After a year that has gone very fast, it’s time to look back what 2022 brought and see what you’ve experienced on your path, how you’ve dealt with the experiences and how you’ve grown from this. You might have felt stuck or lost, but when you worked on this, it has made you stronger, more connected to yourSelf and back on track again to move forward in your life. Isn’t it an amazing process to grow?

From 3 years ago till now

Look at 3 years ago how scared we all were and how more empowered we have become. You’ve gotten more faith in your body’s healing power and have gained more knowledge of what is good for your body to help your immune system be and stay strong. You’ve discovered more tools to keep yourself in balance by meditating, walks in nature, and maybe you’ve even changed jobs or moved house to a place that is a better match with you. You might have said goodbye to people who didn’t serve your wellbeing anymore and it has brought or will bring new like-minded people in your life. You also might have decluttered personal belongings in your house, which has created more space in your head to let creativity flow through you.

Christmas time

I see Christmas time as a time to do what you need in your life right now. For me personally it is a few days off to do self-healings, sleep in, read books and enjoy nature and relaxation. I’m excited about it because it’s what I need right now. For others it might be that you’d like to be with family or friends in gatherings to reconnect and have fun.

What I’ve seen in client sessions

What I’ve seen in my practice the last year was clients who were ready to work on themselves and release blockages that were holding them back from their potential and purpose. Old fears, blocking beliefs, hurt and pain from the past in relationships with others (romantic, work, relatives and friends) were faced, felt and released until forgiveness could take place. I also noticed how much interference my clients had from negativity and I’ve done clearings for all my clients. It has flabbergasted me how many clients experienced negativity through people in their environment, especially (ex)partners or relatives and how this interfered with their happiness. After finding out where the negativity came from, we could clear the energy and work on empowering my clients to stay in their light with a positive mindset. This clearing of negativity is a very intense process and sometimes costs a lot of my energy. It means I need to recharge again in solitude and has been the reason the last few months that I chose to recharge instead of writing another newsletter.

Controlling your mind & ego

I’ve taught my clients that your mind & ego can take over the control over you if you let them. I’ve done a simple exercise with them how you can take back the control over your mind & ego and have them work with you to help you on your life path. It is a matter of telling your mind & ego how you want them to behave and help you and they will listen and start acting on your wishes. We’ve grown up in a society where we’ve not learned how to do this or that it’s even possible to have your mind & ego work with you. It’s great to show my clients how you can take back the power over your mind & ego. A positive, optimistic and enthusiastic mindset is so helpful in your life and you can tell your mind & ego that you only want positive, loving and abundant thoughts and it’ll be like that.

Past Life trauma

With muscle testing (kinesiology) for my clients I’ve seen that for many clients past life trauma has been released and transformed as part of their ascension process. Of course there are souls who’ve taken on a lot to release in this lifetime and I can help them in that process with clearing past life trauma, connections and attachments. They feel so much lighter after the clearing.

2 Emotions that came up the most

The two emotions that have come up the most to release in the past year are: loss and deserted. The past 3 years have brought a lot of losses and situations where you could have felt deserted. Think about losing relatives, losing friendships, losing jobs, losing money, and losing (parts of) your health. Deserted feelings were experienced through losses but also in romantic relationships where the connection faded away between partners or where one partner didn’t feel supported by the other partner. By working on what feelings were still in the physical body and the thoughts connected to that, expressing those feelings on soul level to the other person and coming to forgiveness, blockages were transformed into an inner peace again, a detachment and being able to move forward in life.

Teaching Reiki healing courses

In the last 2 years I’ve taught a lot of clients the Reiki healing technique. I’ve taught:

  • 55 students for Reiki 1
  • 24 students for Reiki 2
  • 1 student for Reiki Master & Teacher.

I do my best to always make it a fun day for all participants where they receive a lot of healing too. I’m always amazed how the groups are a good match. In 2023 I want to start Reiki Shares where my students can participate to give each other healings to practise and recharge themselves. Most healers are givers and often forget to receive a healing for themselves.
It has been a challenge for me to start teaching the Reiki Master & Teacher level and to create the syllabus for that with all info about how I am doing a healing for clients. When I finished the syllabus, I noticed I felt super confident in starting to teach it. Creating the syllabus gave structure in my mind about what and how I wanted to teach it and made me feel ready to teach this level.

Set your goals for the future

It is now the time to meditate and make plans for what you’d like to achieve in the next month, year, 5 years, etc. You can create a vision board of your dreams, visualise them as your reality and how excited that feels in your body to live that reality. Expand this feeling as far as you can imagine to help you manifest this reality. Ask your guides to help you achieve this and expect more than what you ask for, open your heart and receive the guidance.

FREE Distant Energy Healing tonight

Tonight I’ll send my monthly FREE Distant Energy Healing again. I do this every year on Christmas Eve because there are so many people in the world feeling lonely in this time of the year missing their loved ones because they’ve gone to the Light or because of the distance or illness. It’ll be send from 9-10 pm and everyone can join to receive this free healing just by telling your guides/God/The Source that you’d like to receive my healing. I hope it’ll benefit you and many others to feel at peace and more in balance.

I’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year where all your dreams turn into reality.

Thank you for reading my newsletters and staying in touch with me. It means a lot to me.


My business is closed a few days and I’ll be back at work again from Wednesday 28th December.

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