Themes of the last month

The themes of the last months are definitely around speaking up for yourself, having clear boundaries, and ancestral clearing and healing. These are the themes for everyone, spiritually aware or not. They are the themes for the collective consciousness, and we are all a part of that. Every family has at least one person consciously… Continue reading Themes of the last month

Looking back what 2022 brought

After a year that has gone very fast, it’s time to look back what 2022 brought and see what you’ve experienced on your path, how you’ve dealt with the experiences and how you’ve grown from this. You might have felt stuck or lost, but when you worked on this, it has made you stronger, more… Continue reading Looking back what 2022 brought

Channelled message to help you prepare

During a channelled message Friday through my colleague and best friend Elida Stevans, Archangel Michael explained that the mind has its place, the body has its needs, the soul has its contracts and emotions need guidance. Humans are not trained to regulate their 4 bodies. In the new earth vibration every individual will desire to… Continue reading Channelled message to help you prepare

How to transform your fear of what comes after death

Over the last years I’ve had several clients who had a fear about death and particularly the unknown of death. They were scared to not know where they would go if they would die: to a good place (like paradise or heaven), a bad place (dark place or hell), to nowhere or that everything just… Continue reading How to transform your fear of what comes after death

We’re halfway 2021 and a lot has already happened

The mornings are quiet outside because most people work from home here in the lockdown again. It’s school holiday and the rain outside invites to sleep in a bit and enjoy the warmth of my bed. I do morning prayers while sitting in bed and it raises my vibration, which feels really nice. It’s not… Continue reading We’re halfway 2021 and a lot has already happened

Has your life collapsed like a house of cards?

The first incident happens in your life. It’s hard but it doesn’t knock you out. Then the second happens, and the third. It keeps going until all parts of your life have collapsed like a house of cards. Things were building up, but the collapse happened in a very short time frame. And you can’t… Continue reading Has your life collapsed like a house of cards?

How to keep your energy on a high vibration

Energies from outside of you can create to get out of balance or spiraling down to a lower vibration. Do you have any idea of what energies are out there influencing your life? It’s time to become conscious about this. When you know what can have a negative impact on your energy, then you can… Continue reading How to keep your energy on a high vibration

Great exercise to Manifest

In two weeks time it’ll be Mercury Retrograde again, which is a great opportunity to focus on your Self, what you can let go that doesn’t serve you any longer and what you can create to have the life you dream of. For the creating part, I recently pulled the card Manifesting, and it contained… Continue reading Great exercise to Manifest

Do you want silence in your head?

A situation happens, at work or in your private life. You have several emotions and try to keep yourself standing in this situation. Afterwards you have many thoughts about what happened. They keep on circling around in your head. You want silence in your mind, but your thoughts seem to live their own life and… Continue reading Do you want silence in your head?

Fear of losing the connection with your loved one

Years after having lost a dearly loved one, you can still be confronted with grief that comes to the surface. It can be overwhelming, but know that it comes to the surface because it’s ready to be released. It’s actually a message from your body that this grief part wants to go, that it’s time,… Continue reading Fear of losing the connection with your loved one

Astrid Boot