Themes of the last month

The themes of the last months are definitely around speaking up for yourself, having clear boundaries, and ancestral clearing and healing. These are the themes for everyone, spiritually aware or not. They are the themes for the collective consciousness, and we are all a part of that. Every family has at least one person consciously… Continue reading Themes of the last month

A new direction in your life

You might have noticed recently that you feel stuck, lost, or are not happy with the work you do, the location where you live or who is in your friends’ group anymore. It’s your soul telling you it’s time to connect with your heart and listen to what you need to change in your life.… Continue reading A new direction in your life

How to keep your energy on a high vibration

Energies from outside of you can create to get out of balance or spiraling down to a lower vibration. Do you have any idea of what energies are out there influencing your life? It’s time to become conscious about this. When you know what can have a negative impact on your energy, then you can… Continue reading How to keep your energy on a high vibration

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