Update about my clients’ and my personal growth and Light a Candle Action 11-11-2023

The last months were intense with energies and shifts in personal growth. I’ve noticed that October brought up a lot with the eclipses. Clients experienced old trauma and old emotions being triggered or coming to the surface to release the next layer. Sometimes this was overwhelming for them and they sought my assistance to get… Continue reading Update about my clients’ and my personal growth and Light a Candle Action 11-11-2023

Themes of the last month

The themes of the last months are definitely around speaking up for yourself, having clear boundaries, and ancestral clearing and healing. These are the themes for everyone, spiritually aware or not. They are the themes for the collective consciousness, and we are all a part of that. Every family has at least one person consciously… Continue reading Themes of the last month

A new direction in your life

You might have noticed recently that you feel stuck, lost, or are not happy with the work you do, the location where you live or who is in your friends’ group anymore. It’s your soul telling you it’s time to connect with your heart and listen to what you need to change in your life.… Continue reading A new direction in your life

Heartache of true love, what happened in your heart and mind?

Recognise this? You feel you’ve found your true love, you’re having a flow of insights about a future together, even things like getting married that you never had before, you’re loving the feeling of being together and want to build a future together. You’re feeling in your heart that this is meant to be happening… Continue reading Heartache of true love, what happened in your heart and mind?

My 5 favourite self-help tools

Many clients ask me what self-help tools I use and I’d like to share my five favourite ones here with you. They’re simple and very effective. Here they are: Breathing Meditating Exercising Reiki EFT Tapping Breathing Recently I’ve discovered the enormous effect of deeply breathing into your lower tummy in 3 counts, then hold your… Continue reading My 5 favourite self-help tools

What can you do when you see the blockages from your partner?

Clients often ask me how best to deal with a partner who has blockages but is not doing anything to release these blockages. It can cause huge relationship issues. If you are the person in the relationship who IS working on yourself, it can get very frustrating to start to see the blockages from your… Continue reading What can you do when you see the blockages from your partner?

What you do to get others to like you

You’re giving, giving, giving to others. It’s an act of kindness and you want others to feel good so that they think positive about you. You’re scared others don’t like you. You’re looking for their appreciation, approval and love. It’s like you give yourself away to others in the hope you’ll receive the evidence from… Continue reading What you do to get others to like you

How to keep your energy on a high vibration

Energies from outside of you can create to get out of balance or spiraling down to a lower vibration. Do you have any idea of what energies are out there influencing your life? It’s time to become conscious about this. When you know what can have a negative impact on your energy, then you can… Continue reading How to keep your energy on a high vibration

Having Peace of Mind is a blessing

Imagine how it would be to have Peace of Mind. It’s such a blessing to experience this! But most of the time my clients tell me they experience thoughts going round in circles and they don’t know how to stop their thoughts. It’s like the same thoughts keep on swirling in their head but can’t… Continue reading Having Peace of Mind is a blessing

New year: how do you handle challenges?

Happy New Year! I hope you’ve set your intentions for a great 2018 for yourself and that you have faith in working together with your guides and angels to realise your goals. Of course there will be challenges on your path again too, but it is how you cope with what appears on your path.… Continue reading New year: how do you handle challenges?

Astrid Boot