Themes of the last month

The themes of the last months are definitely around speaking up for yourself, having clear boundaries, and ancestral clearing and healing. These are the themes for everyone, spiritually aware or not. They are the themes for the collective consciousness, and we are all a part of that. Every family has at least one person consciously… Continue reading Themes of the last month

A new direction in your life

You might have noticed recently that you feel stuck, lost, or are not happy with the work you do, the location where you live or who is in your friends’ group anymore. It’s your soul telling you it’s time to connect with your heart and listen to what you need to change in your life.… Continue reading A new direction in your life


Last week I’ve had messages and calls from several clients where I noticed they were going downwards in a spiral and lost hope. Especially the ones that are living by themselves are having a very challenging time. Also when you’re the only one in a big family that has other beliefs about what’s happening in… Continue reading HOPE

Empowering yourself through connecting with your heart

With a life mostly centred in your house now with all family members, it can be quite challenging to stay in your own energy space and provide for your own needs. As a carer you are focused on making sure the other family members have what they need to be happy, but you might push… Continue reading Empowering yourself through connecting with your heart

Do you want your old happy self back?

A client sometimes writes on her intake form that she just wants to be her old happy self again. She means the person who had energy to get a lot done in a day, was raising her children, was socialising with her friends once in a while, and could handle what was coming on her… Continue reading Do you want your old happy self back?

How to free yourself from being stuck

The last month most clients who reached out to me, felt stuck. Stuck in life and having no idea what to do to change their lives to experience a flow or at least a move forward again. Let me start by explaining that feeling stuck is a huge opportunity to get insights, release blockages, and… Continue reading How to free yourself from being stuck

Astrid Boot