Empowering yourself through connecting with your heart

With a life mostly centred in your house now with all family members, it can be quite challenging to stay in your own energy space and provide for your own needs. As a carer you are focused on making sure the other family members have what they need to be happy, but you might push… Continue reading Empowering yourself through connecting with your heart

Healing exercise for an ailment or pain

Since you’ve experienced an ailment or pain in your body, you can’t stop thinking about it. Finally you decide to see a doctor. You’re getting tests done. When the results come back, you either receive a diagnosis of an illness or disorder (e.g. an illness ending in …itis, cancer or depression), or the news that… Continue reading Healing exercise for an ailment or pain

New year: how do you handle challenges?

Happy New Year! I hope you’ve set your intentions for a great 2018 for yourself and that you have faith in working together with your guides and angels to realise your goals. Of course there will be challenges on your path again too, but it is how you cope with what appears on your path.… Continue reading New year: how do you handle challenges?

Astrid Boot